My Birthday Is Coming

sudah lama sy tk update blog ni.. sory ye.. ade masalah teknikal skit.. *cewwah, teknikal la sgt.. bb tkde sbenanye.. kakk olie curi.. jhat btol la.. but sokay, olie sbr.. n sbenanye ni, post lewat sehari bfday olie ni.. ehee ~ tk sempat nk update lorh..

huhu, sy happy sgt..
bfday sy dh smpay.. ehee ~
actually, olie want to say thnx to all..
my frend, my sister, cz wish me..
thnx a lot.. olie syg kamoo sume..

frend dalm fb pon sama..
thnx sgt2..olie smpay tk smpat nk lyan wish korang..
terlampau bnyak.. memang tk smpat..
mula2 sorang wish, then dua, then tiga,
then berpuluh2.. adoii ~
memang untung ada fb ni..
frend2 fb sporting2 sume..

thnx to my darlaa bushupx ammy..
u yg first wish kan.. 35 minit awal.. awal giler..
ape laa kamoo ni.. u the best lah frend..
syg kamoo.. then my tasha x0x0 second wish..
ayat u memang power giler lah..
best bacer msej 2.. but tknak bg present erk..
jhat ye kamoo.. nanty bfday u,
i pon tknak give u present..
present ? jngn harap erk. :p. haha
macam kenal jer ayat ni kan tasha.. 

memang sy happy la malam 2..
thnx a lot again...
but suddenly, something happen..
olie tknak citer lam post ni..
naty olie citer on the next post yer..
tknak campur2 happy n sdih..

owkey2.. nk thu bca la lam post atas tu.. yess, i knoe this post, not really interesting yer.. i know that cz otak blurr skang ni.. tk thu nk tulis ape.. okey, senyum sokmoee k.. ehee ~ =)

♔ Gracias / Thankyou For Reading . 'MuchLove♥' ♔

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